Close-up view of a reddish-brown rock surface with natural textures and patterns, featuring resilient grass in the Brandberg, Namibia.
Sturdy outdoor boots by a campfire, set against a backdrop of wilderness, capturing the essence of adventure and solitude
Ancient Bushman rock painting at Crain Rock in the Brandberg, depicting symbolic figures in a rugged natural setting.
Sunset view of the Niab Gauge valley surrounded by the majestic Brandberg mountains, under a vibrant sky.

Behind the Adventure

only never trying, will eliminate the possibility of failure

Amidst the transition from day to night, the African wilderness echoes with serenity - a time for introspection. Here, amid the modern world's chaos, nature extends its refuge to those yearning for an escape. I am Roy, an individual driven by a quest to make a difference and unravel the fundamental questions that have echoed through humanity's history. I was born and raised in Namibia, to a strong genetic lineage of DRD4-7R. In my early years, I struggled with dyslexia and who knows what other learning disabilities. In those years the education system did not have the myriad of excogitate descriptions for those that did not conform to the norm.

During these pivotal years, my Grandmother, a sage figure, imparted wisdom through cryptic phrases. Reflecting on her words, three principles became the pillars of my foundation: "Every dark cloud has a silver lining", "Always look left and right" and "Take a step back." While seemingly simplistic, taking a step back holds profound wisdom. Stepping out and observing situations from an objective standpoint yields deeper comprehension and, consequently, more holistic solutions. If everyone could intentionally ponder the repercussions of their actions, the world might not find itself in its current state.

At the core of conservation lies the principle of sustainable environmental utilization. Regrettably, humanity has often skewed this philosophy with greed and power lust. As custodians of this planet, we bear a colossal responsibility - not only to shield the environment but to rectify the missteps of our predecessors.

Through my photography and art, I aspire to kindle an appreciation for the natural world among those less fortunate, who haven't had the privilege of growing up surrounded by its splendour.

"In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand and we will understand only what we are taught"

- Baba Dioum -

Golden sunset illuminating the rugged landscape of White Mountain, near Deadvlei in the Sossusvlei region, showcasing the serene beauty of the Namib Desert.
A hiker hiegh up on a ridge overlooking the desert plains below
Matthew and Roy possing for a quick photo before the long treck back to the car
An overloaded backpack on a scouting experdition into remote areas of Namibia

It's all about the Journey,

Staring into the abyss of mortality has a way of reshaping one's perspective. Confronting our mortality becomes a catalyst for reevaluating the seemingly unyielding norms we've been conditioned to follow since birth. A life dictated by societal expectations and predefined paths suddenly reveals its inherent futility.

I, too, embarked on the conventional journey, constructing a life I believed society anticipated. A career forged through blind dedication, accumulating wealth often disguised as debt - all in the pursuit of meeting societal norms and providing material comforts for my family. Then, life unfolded its paradoxical gift: cancer. While the statement may sound perplexing, this unexpected twist became the lens through which I glimpsed true significance. It was a profound shift from the relentless pursuit of possessions to recognizing the genuine wealth found in purposeful and memorable endeavours. Countless tales in literature and songs echo with remorse for neglecting the vital elements of life.

Amidst the perceived flaws surrounding the youth, there emerges a revitalizing resurgence of challenging the status quo. It's through questioning that growth unfolds, a principle holding for every facet of life. My humble plea is for everyone to scrutinize the potential consequences of their actions. If we engage in this process consciously and with consideration, I am optimistic that, over time, we can collectively reshape the prevailing norms.

Sunset view from Ammies Gauge, capturing the serene coastal plains from Brandberg's elevated pearch under a vibrant sky.